Wednesday, May 6, 2009

TN OHV Legislative Update 5/6/09

Hello Trailblazers,

Okay, I have taken a deep breath since my last communication…now it is time to move forward. (May have to add “building an Ark” to my to-do list if this rain keeps up.) I have attached an article I was asked to write for Blue Ribbon magazine that I think summarizes everything we have talked about over the legislative year. It always helps to have a recap at your fingertips. Knowledge is power.

First, some relative good news about our OHV Liability reform issue. As feared, the lawyers on the judiciary committee were none too thrilled with the prospects of OHV liability reform, but our House sponsor was able to get an agreement with the Chairman to put our bill into a summer Study committee. Normally, I hate those committees, but in our case I think that we have enough logical legal arguments that we may be able to make headway with the committee members who will vote on our bill next year. We have a seat at the table, and that is one step further than we were before on the issue. I will need the best OHV legal minds on this project, so let me know if you are interested or know someone who should be on our side of the table.

The OHV Specialty License Plate bill is apart of an Omnibus bill that should pass the House relatively soon. The Senate has already passed our bill.

While we are waiting for TWRA to do the right thing this year (or the wrong thing, however you want to look at it), there are several things that you can be doing to help the OHV cause. We are at war folks, and we are on the offense now.

Action: Fill out the Tennessee State Recreation Plan Survey! It is time the “tyranny of the minority” felt the voice of the majority.

Action: We are still looking for an applicable OHV trail project in Middle and West Tennessee. If you are an OHV club that has a willing local, county or state forest land partner…let’s talk!

Action: Build our ranks. Get OHV-minded people signed up for OHV4TN updates either thru the website or thru These updates can also be found on our new blog.

Finally, a repeat…


1). Join a Club and get involved! Get on a committee, help organize a trail ride, recruit new members. The more the merrier!

2). No Club in your area? Start one! has new club start-up kits available to all who ask.

3). Already in a Club? Become a leader, teach trail etiquette, preach tread lightly, and educate the youth! And for goodness sakes, STAY OUT OF THE WATER.

4). Spread the Gospel. If you don't have a PR Chairman already, get one! Build your media list and everytime your club does something for the community, tell them about it! Everytime your club does something for the kids, tell them about it! Everytime your club does something for the environment, tell them about it!

5). Parades, Parades, Parades. Y'all look so cool in them!! Be proud and raise that flag high!!

6). Be a Role Model. Know the rules, walk the walk and be the person a child can look up to. They are our future.

7). Get Political. Elect Local Leaders who are sympathetic to the OHV Cause. Heck, run for office! Y'all are a huge voting bloc, organize and use it!

8). Support your local business community. Find ways to increase revenue for them during your trail rides and events. Quantify and document the results.

9). Join larger Organizations that fight for the OHV Cause. TOHVA, SFWDA, NOHVCC and Blue Ribbon Coalition are great ones to consider! These organizations also help you keep up-to-date on local, state and federal Land Use issues. Knowledge is Power.

And last but certainly not least...

10). Build an OHV Trail System in your County! Start looking for city or county land that is not being utilized. We should have OHV Trail BMP's in place this year as well as Tools to help you get the job done. Grab the Brass Ring and go for it!

Onward Ho!
Iva Michelle Russell
Exec. Director, OHV4TN
A Citizen Lobbyist Organization

The mission of the OHV4TN organization is to be the legislative advocate for the 880,000+ Off-Highway Vehicle users in the state of Tennessee. OHV4TN is dedicated to the creation of a diverse statewide system of sustainable OHV trails in Tennessee for current and future generations of OHV users.

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